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2010/08/19 / LAWallner

Shower, Interrupted

“MAMA! MAMA!!!!”

I run out of the bathroom, down the stairs, with soap and water dripping everywhere and heart in my mouth.

“What? What?!”

“How do you spell ‘arguing’?”

“Are you shitting me?”

Time to revisit the 3-B Rule.  Do not scream for me when I’m in the shower, on the phone, or otherwise occupied.  Except if there’s Blood, Barf, or Bad Guys in the house.

“Sorry, Mama, I forgot.”

Now I can go shave the other leg.

2009/11/17 / LAWallner

The secret to smart kids

2009/11/07 / LAWallner


“This vacuum is sooo heavy.  I bet you couldn’t even move it.”

“I bet I could. I’m strong!”

“No, I think it’s too big for you.  No way could you push it.”

“I can do it, Mama!  Let me vacuum!



2009/11/05 / LAWallner

Need. More. Coffee.

Busy. Busy. Busy busy. Laundry, researching health plans for next year, raising some people, getting prepared to clean the bathrooms, at some point hopefully I can shower today… too much in the hopper at once. What else is new? But, I feel guilty: been neglecting all my [two] fans, haven’t I? Haven’t been posting very regularly. Again, what else is new?

Not enough time to compose a thought here, so I’ll share a few “what I’m interested in” stuff for now. For now I need to enter the labyrinth of insurance coverage options. Whee.

See y’all later.

Leo at Zen Habits talks about “How to be childlike.” Now who couldn’t benefit from a little of that?

Surfing Scholastic’s booklist pages for inspiration.

Tsh again of Simple Mom, this time about balancing your never-ending housework duties with your never-ending parenting duties. Something I always need to work on.

I’ve had this cookbook, Love Soup, on my Amazon wish list a while now. Found Amy at Angry Chicken gives it an enthusiastic thumbs up. Now I really gotta have it.

I have a crush on Susan of Food Blogga. I read her article on sunday dinner and ran right out to buy all the ingredients for good old Italian “gravy” and meatballs. After eating it last Sunday, I think I love Susan even more.   You MUST try this recipe.  Holy crap.


2009/10/31 / LAWallner


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2009/10/26 / LAWallner

I heart Colorforms.

A friend of mine was reminiscing about eating one of them back in the day.  Anyone else remember these?


Not only are Colorforms fun for kids, adults like them too.  Exhibit A – Mr LRR’s work.  C3PO, R2D2 and Princess Leia:


If you’re interested in good old-fashioned fun for your kids, you really need these.



2009/10/26 / LAWallner

The morning chart is still going strong

Hurray!  I don’t have a photo, but The Boy is doing well with his own morning chores as well.  Early mornings are almost pleasant around here…


2009/10/23 / LAWallner

You poor, poor thing


2009/10/23 / LAWallner

Discontinuation? Desolation.


Only seven freaking months ago I was waxing poetic about finding the perfect bra.

Now the bastards have discontinued it.

I am scouring Amazon, eBay, and everyplace else I can think of to stock up on whatever is left out there.


2009/10/21 / LAWallner

Ode to Ikea

Oh, Ikea, what did I ever do without you?!

Ever since I found out you were opening a new store just one month before we moved to Charlotte, I was all atwitter with excitement. About 45 seconds after we unloaded our moving van, I was at your store.

Desperately seeking organization.  Desperately searching for a way to contain the kids’ toys that not only worked, but looked good.   Something that didn’t cost a fortune since it would most likely be trashed over the next few years.  Something that was NOT PLASTIC.

And I found it.


Dear dear Expedit bookcase, you make my life complete.  I wish I had one of you for every room in my house.  For now, I will settle for the playroom.

The children and I lovingly printed out pictures of their toys and made labels for each of your baskets, and we no longer have to mess around at clean-up time.   The children know exactly where their things go, and exactly where to find their light saber/Legos® /cooking pots/you-name-it.

We finally have space for the 900 books we’ve collected, and a place for The Boy’s football helmet. The top of you is for me to stash things I don’t want the kids freely accessing, like beads and other messy craft stuff  [Mason jars, your poem will come later].

You have also brought more peace to our home: when the kids fight too much over a particular toy, the top of  the bookcase becomes the “toy jail.”  How long a toy is incarcerated depends on a) how ugly the fight got and/or b) how annoyed Mama is by said fighting.  It usually only takes one reminder to get the kids to play a bit nicer.

Maybe I never dust you quite as often as I should, but I just wanted to let you know, you lovely hunk of furniture, how much I really appreciate you.


Ikea.  Ikea.  You’ve made my playroom dream come true.  Thank you.
